Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Here are two brand new words--I just made them up this morning and I'm throwing it out there hoping it will become part of the lingua Americana. Theodiocy is the idiotic belief that one knows God's will. A theodiot is a person who practices Theodiocy. To do so is theodiotic.

Pat Robertson immediately comes mind. The Fatuous One recently opined that the earthquakes that ravaged Haiti were the results of Haitian rebels making a bargain with the devil in the 1800s so as to win independence from France. Robertson now stands once again in the moron spotlight. He seems to like it there. Perhaps it keeps him warm.

Theodiocy is practiced by anyone who claims to have a direct line to a higher power's musings. Popes have been theodiotics for centuries--nay, millenia. Insufferable folks of any stripe who maintain their god is better than yours are theodiotics. Terrorists, naturally, occupy the very top rung of theodiocy. Theodiots are easy to spot. They do not talk, they testify. Their prayers are louder than anyone else's in the room. They claim not to proselytize but do so without respite. They are generally very, very boring.

So, go out there, enjoy employ the new words freely. Ideally, I'd like them to show up in a year or so in a New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle, but I'll settle for the Washington Post. Or Webster's.

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